I was cleaning my room up today (which still isn't clean as there's so much crap in there) when I found the box my iPod Nano came in. I was thinking 'It's such a nice box, it'd be a waste to just throw it away' and so I decided to use it for my time capsule. I wasn't that serious about it until I started putting some real cool stuff in there. The plan is to open it in 15 years when I'm 33, perhaps on the day I actually turn 33. Yeah, I'll do that.
So what's in it? I'll show you. And also, I'm going to write a letter to 33 year old me, in handwriting and typed up, just in case computers in the future can't read USB sticks.
Dear 33 year old Andy,
How is life now? I know I made a post for you before, but this one is kinda different. This time capsule will capture some of the things that define me and the current generation. The date is the 4th of July 2012.
Item: Zelda Badge
Reason for place in time capsule
Zelda has taught me and you many things. No matter what mask we wear, we will always be ourselves. The world is full of secrets. Trust your instincts. Don't let your own demons defeat you. Everyone has a story to tell.
Item: Tamagotchi Phone Charm
Reason for place in time capsule
You bought this charm in HK. That time was the first time you went on holiday with just friends (well, Jam's dad was with us on the plane journeys but he went to China the majority of the time). For me, it represents all the adventures I've had before, and all the adventures you will have in the future. 33 me, promise me you'll go on many as the memories you have in adventures are precious and irreplaceable.
Item: Victini
Reason for place in time capsule
Not only has Pokémon basically defined your childhood, but I specifically chose Victini as I still am not able to capture it in Pokémon White. If by your time I still haven't caught it, I am counting on you to do it. That aside, without Pokémon, I'm not sure how I would have turned out, and in turn how you have turned out. From it, I learnt to develop a sense of passion (Ash), a sense of responsibility (Misty), a sense of curiosity (Brock) and bromance (Pikachu). I probably exaggerated, none of this is true, but honestly, Pokémon is awesome.
Item: Gatsby
Reason for place in time capsule
This stuff is great, it makes my hair more gravity defying than it already is. Try it out sometime! Though I guess it won't look that cool when you're 33.. Just kidding.
Item: Coins
Reason for place in time capsule
These.. are old. They'll probably be worth a lot of money in your time. Sell them when you're running low on dosh.
Item: Taylor Swift Guitar Pick
Reason for place in time capsule
You used to absolutely love Taylor Swift. Do you now? For me, she was an inspiration. She wrote and sang her songs from the heart, and that's what inspired you to waste all your oney on all 30 of her picks, piano books and guitar books. Seriously, you were in love man. Just remember, music is your soul. Even though I'm not that good at piano or guitar or anything else, you still love music and it loves you back. Have you focused on a particular instrument yet? Any good at it?
Item: Slick Watch
Reason for place in time capsule
I have a sense of style. I'll bet you've lost it. Just take a look at this watch. See how contemporary it is? It looks so cool. That watch is basically your woman magnet. I kid I kid, you have a wife now right? If you don't.. then what the hell man! I wanted to get married early and have kids early so that I can spend a longer life with them. You crushed.. my dreams. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, stay cool and look cool.
Item: Bracelet
Reason for place in time capsule
You remember this? Yeah, you must. See, I have this thing about realising being in the friend zone sucks because you can't get any action, but that only applies to me. You're - hopefully - married now, so you don't have to care about any friend zone stuff. You were a really nice guy before you stopped being friend zone material, and that's how I want you to treat your wife. What right do I have to tell you how to treat your wife? None, but this is coming from a (sorta) innocent mind, which is honest and truthful. Sometimes kids have the best advice. So yeah, treat your wife like she's your best friend, because, she is.
Item: Chinese Red Envelope
Reason for place in time capsule
I included these red envelopes to remind you that YOU ARE CHINESE. ALWAYS. Never forget that. Your heritage is important. Remember when you were in primary school, you always got made fun of because you were Chinese. Because you had slanted eyes. Because you had a flat nose. Because your Asian parents didn't let you go out. Because you wore glasses. You went back home and cried to mom, and you said 'Mom, why couldn't I be white? I don't want to be made fun of anymore. I want to be white!' How could you have been so blind (not the time for racist jokes!). I don't remember what mom said to me, but you learnt the lesson by yourself. Well, I did. I learnt that be proud of who you are. Other people are racist only because they are ARROGANT. Back then, you had no reason to want to be Chinese, because you didn't do anything about it. However, I came to love being Chinese after experiencing what being Chinese was actually about. Going to China itself has broadened my mind and I just wanna slap 7 year old me for being so stupid. Damn, I'm so bad at explaining, I bet you don't even know what I'm talking about. Basically, all I'm trying to say is, before anything, remember you are Chinese. Chinese and proud.
Item: Mini Torch
Reason for place in time capsule
I have provided you with a torch powered by batteries, in case the future is in ruins and there's no light left in the world. I hope this torch will prove to be useful on your quest to save humanity.
There's some other stuff too but they're not too important. Your dad gave you those mint stamps and your mom bought you the Jesus guitar pick. Need I remind you that you only have one pair of parents and that you love them forever?
There is also a memory stick that contains files that range from your favourite songs to pictures and videos.
Reply back soon,
Love, 18 year old Andy.
Phew, there we go! That took ages! If you read this far, then man, you must be sad.
Oh yeah, any suggestions as to where I could put this time capsule? I read that burying in the ground is a crap idea cos of the water and people usually forget where they put it.
Zelda badge |
Victini |
Bracelet |
Some old coin |
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons |
Mint stamps |
Everything I'm gonna put in the capsule |
awh cute!
ReplyDeleteJust going to say this - awkward moment when water leaks into the time capsule and your Gameboy Game is forever gone...