Although most of you probably think I'm totally super awesome, I do, unfortunately possess several weaknesses.
Creepy crawlies
This is a common fear among many people. I am in that group of people. I don't hate insects, but when I get close to them, I can't help but freak out. I mean, it's not their fault. I don't blame them. It's just, when they're close, and you can see their littles hairs and their little fangs, it's just ew! When they crawl on your body and it's ticklish and your body reacts by twisting and dancing. They're so gross, and I can't seem to muster the courage to just pick them up and throw them away. I don't even kill them by smacking them with a newspaper or something cos I don't want insect juices all over the place. My technique is to trap them with an empty bottle, crush it, and then recycle the bottle. Smoothness.
Poor memory
I suffer from short term memory loss. I don't really know if I do, but I like to think that I am because it solves many of my problems. I forget a lot of things. For example, when I tell someone a story, they always say 'Andy, you've already told me this story already' and I'm like 'Oh, really? Sorry...' but then the next day, I just repeat the same thing. I mean, I can't help it! I can't remember who I've told it to and who I haven't.
It's also why I forget to hand in homework.
I think this is my greatest weakness. I trust people too easily, and before I realise it, I get screwed over. Not saying any examples but I seem to instantly assume people will be good friends with me if I'm good friends with them. I had to learn the hard way that that isn't true at all. Especially girls, it always feels like I'm being lead on, only to find out it was nothing more than fiction. Recently I've been better at being more cautious of who to trust when making new friends, so if you see me kinda backing away and not talking... it's cos of that.
Fit girls
Despite what I said above, fit girls are fit. Even my friends say 'If a fit girl asked you to do something, you'd definitely do it!'. Yeah it's true, I guess, it's like, in my genes. I can't help it!
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