Although most of you probably think I'm totally super awesome, I do, unfortunately possess several weaknesses.
Creepy crawlies
This is a common fear among many people. I am in that group of people. I don't hate insects, but when I get close to them, I can't help but freak out. I mean, it's not their fault. I don't blame them. It's just, when they're close, and you can see their littles hairs and their little fangs, it's just ew! When they crawl on your body and it's ticklish and your body reacts by twisting and dancing. They're so gross, and I can't seem to muster the courage to just pick them up and throw them away. I don't even kill them by smacking them with a newspaper or something cos I don't want insect juices all over the place. My technique is to trap them with an empty bottle, crush it, and then recycle the bottle. Smoothness.
Poor memory
I suffer from short term memory loss. I don't really know if I do, but I like to think that I am because it solves many of my problems. I forget a lot of things. For example, when I tell someone a story, they always say 'Andy, you've already told me this story already' and I'm like 'Oh, really? Sorry...' but then the next day, I just repeat the same thing. I mean, I can't help it! I can't remember who I've told it to and who I haven't.
It's also why I forget to hand in homework.
I think this is my greatest weakness. I trust people too easily, and before I realise it, I get screwed over. Not saying any examples but I seem to instantly assume people will be good friends with me if I'm good friends with them. I had to learn the hard way that that isn't true at all. Especially girls, it always feels like I'm being lead on, only to find out it was nothing more than fiction. Recently I've been better at being more cautious of who to trust when making new friends, so if you see me kinda backing away and not talking... it's cos of that.
Fit girls
Despite what I said above, fit girls are fit. Even my friends say 'If a fit girl asked you to do something, you'd definitely do it!'. Yeah it's true, I guess, it's like, in my genes. I can't help it!
Random Message
Maybe you're not a moon. Maybe you're a star - it is in your name.
Stars don't need planets, they shine alone. - Anon.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
The meaning of dreams
Recently, I've been remembering a lot of my dreams. I think behind every dream is a meaning.
The giralimo
The earliest dream I can remember went a little like this: I was riding a giraffe to my cousin's house.
The meaning - the giraffe represents a limo; long neck, long car. This means sometime in the future, I'm going to drive a limo to my cousin's house.
The honey filled larvae
In this dream, I was on a school trip with my primary school friends. We were in some sort of garden when the teacher suddenly stopped us, and pointed on the floor. There I saw a whitish but translucent giant larvae. It was kinda wriggling about but couldn't really because it was completely filled with a yellow substance. I poked it and honey came out.
The meaning - from this dream, I worked out that the insect signified evil and the honey signified my love. Also, since the dream took place in a garden, I can conclude that when I have a wife, she'll be captured by evil people on a field but then I'll poke them and save her. Good thing my dream told me this before it actually happens so I can prepare.
Flying through the streets
The title explains it all. I was actually flying through the streets. Well, more like running through the air? You know how the kung fu masters in Chinese films like, run really quickly through the air? It was like that. Watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon if you don't know what I mean.
The meaning - I'm gonna run really quickly through the air.
Chocolate nipples
Not gonna lie, I actually dreamt about boobies. But they were kinda weird. It started like this: my cousin once told me that if you think really hard about something at night, you'll dream about it. I, being the little perverted prick I was when puberty hit, decided to try it out, thinking super hard about boobies. Sure enough, the dream happened except it was a bit odd.
I'm being really brave here by confessing what I did in my dream. I tried to reach out and touch the boobies in front of me, but when I touched them, the nipples came off! I picked one of them up, and they turned out to be those chocolate iced gems you used to buy in the supermarket. Do they still do those? Not that I'd get them anymore. They make me think of nipples.
The meaning - Sometimes, what you see isn't what you get. Don't be deceived by good looking things. It's like a mirage in a desert. You think that it's an oasis, but when you get there, you'll just be disappointed. I think this dream has already foretold some of the things that have happened to me. Like when I walk towards a fit girl I see in the distance, only to find out she's not really. Freakin' chocolate nipples
The giralimo
The earliest dream I can remember went a little like this: I was riding a giraffe to my cousin's house.
The meaning - the giraffe represents a limo; long neck, long car. This means sometime in the future, I'm going to drive a limo to my cousin's house.
The honey filled larvae
In this dream, I was on a school trip with my primary school friends. We were in some sort of garden when the teacher suddenly stopped us, and pointed on the floor. There I saw a whitish but translucent giant larvae. It was kinda wriggling about but couldn't really because it was completely filled with a yellow substance. I poked it and honey came out.
The meaning - from this dream, I worked out that the insect signified evil and the honey signified my love. Also, since the dream took place in a garden, I can conclude that when I have a wife, she'll be captured by evil people on a field but then I'll poke them and save her. Good thing my dream told me this before it actually happens so I can prepare.
Flying through the streets
The title explains it all. I was actually flying through the streets. Well, more like running through the air? You know how the kung fu masters in Chinese films like, run really quickly through the air? It was like that. Watch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon if you don't know what I mean.
The meaning - I'm gonna run really quickly through the air.
Chocolate nipples
Not gonna lie, I actually dreamt about boobies. But they were kinda weird. It started like this: my cousin once told me that if you think really hard about something at night, you'll dream about it. I, being the little perverted prick I was when puberty hit, decided to try it out, thinking super hard about boobies. Sure enough, the dream happened except it was a bit odd.
I'm being really brave here by confessing what I did in my dream. I tried to reach out and touch the boobies in front of me, but when I touched them, the nipples came off! I picked one of them up, and they turned out to be those chocolate iced gems you used to buy in the supermarket. Do they still do those? Not that I'd get them anymore. They make me think of nipples.
Chocolate nipples... |
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Interview at the University of Manchester
Instead of going to school yesterday, I went to Manchester instead. I just realised I wrote 'instead' twice, but it looks funny so I'm going to leave it.
Anyway, I went there with my parents because I had an interview at the university to see if they would offer me a place there to study this September. Honestly, I was a bit nervous. I don't have much experience with interviews and I didn't really know what to expect even after asking my friends and researching on the Internet.
I arrived in Manchester with my parents at around 11am. For some reason, I was daydreaming in the middle of the road. A car coming behind me had to slow down for me to realise what I was doing, and I cooly walked out the way. My cousin Beef, who already goes to that uni, came to meet me as he had just finished a morning lecture. He had to go after showing me where to go though. Oh, before that, I bought some soft mints so that the interviewer may be impressed. When I arrived at the destination, the lecturer came over and asked for my name so he could tick me off. He then asked if I was nervous and I replied 'Can't say I'm not' and he said 'I'll let you in a little secret, we've actually already considered you for an offer. The interview is just to see whether you like it or not'. I thought CHILLING!
The first part of the day required me to go on a small tour of the area surrounding the uni. I gotta say, it seemed pretty good. Very convenient. 5 minutes was all you needed to be able to walk from the building to many different shops, to the library, to the museum and the aquatics. They even had a music building where you can borrow a room to practice in, or have instrumental lessons.
My mom told me to talk to some of the other interviewees, but they all looked really nerdy. I mean, I don't mind but I just didn't feel like it. Before the interview, there were a few talks from computer science lecturers. I went up to this guy and introduced myself but I forgot his name now. He seemed like an alright guy. How come it's so easy to talk to guys but not girls?! This other larger dude came over later, and us three were the only 'acquaintances'. Everyone else was just silent. The talks went on and when I was called for the interview, I found out that my interviewer was a Chinese man. LOL. He was nicknamed KK by the students and the other lecturers for some reason. I never found out why.
For the actual interview, it was really unexpected. The only question he asked me was:
Do you have any questions to ask me?
I had more trouble thinking of questions! I just asked random things like 'How's the city? What's the course like? Are there any fit girls here?'
Alright so I didn't ask the last one, but it was just like a chat, so easy. With this offer, I now have all five offers from all the universities I applied for, which is totally super awesome! Now I just need the grades.
I can't wait to go Manchester, UNI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Anyway, I went there with my parents because I had an interview at the university to see if they would offer me a place there to study this September. Honestly, I was a bit nervous. I don't have much experience with interviews and I didn't really know what to expect even after asking my friends and researching on the Internet.
I arrived in Manchester with my parents at around 11am. For some reason, I was daydreaming in the middle of the road. A car coming behind me had to slow down for me to realise what I was doing, and I cooly walked out the way. My cousin Beef, who already goes to that uni, came to meet me as he had just finished a morning lecture. He had to go after showing me where to go though. Oh, before that, I bought some soft mints so that the interviewer may be impressed. When I arrived at the destination, the lecturer came over and asked for my name so he could tick me off. He then asked if I was nervous and I replied 'Can't say I'm not' and he said 'I'll let you in a little secret, we've actually already considered you for an offer. The interview is just to see whether you like it or not'. I thought CHILLING!
The first part of the day required me to go on a small tour of the area surrounding the uni. I gotta say, it seemed pretty good. Very convenient. 5 minutes was all you needed to be able to walk from the building to many different shops, to the library, to the museum and the aquatics. They even had a music building where you can borrow a room to practice in, or have instrumental lessons.
My mom told me to talk to some of the other interviewees, but they all looked really nerdy. I mean, I don't mind but I just didn't feel like it. Before the interview, there were a few talks from computer science lecturers. I went up to this guy and introduced myself but I forgot his name now. He seemed like an alright guy. How come it's so easy to talk to guys but not girls?! This other larger dude came over later, and us three were the only 'acquaintances'. Everyone else was just silent. The talks went on and when I was called for the interview, I found out that my interviewer was a Chinese man. LOL. He was nicknamed KK by the students and the other lecturers for some reason. I never found out why.
For the actual interview, it was really unexpected. The only question he asked me was:
Do you have any questions to ask me?
I had more trouble thinking of questions! I just asked random things like 'How's the city? What's the course like? Are there any fit girls here?'
Alright so I didn't ask the last one, but it was just like a chat, so easy. With this offer, I now have all five offers from all the universities I applied for, which is totally super awesome! Now I just need the grades.
I can't wait to go Manchester, UNI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
My future kids
I've thought about this for some time. When I'm older and married, I want some kids. More specifcally:
a boy
a girl
twin boys
a boy
a girl
twin boys and girls
and last of all, a girl.
If you ask me why in that many, and in that order, I'd just say it'd be a pretty cool family. And also, when they're older enough to make money, I think I'd be pretty rich.
Alright alright, that's never gonna happen (unless I adopt?). More realistically, I want two boys and a girl. I want two boys so that they can protect the girl, and a girl cos baby girls are cute. Dunno what I'm gonna do with her when she's older though. Maybe make her marry a rich dude so I get even more money. I'm just kidding, I don't really care about money.
If I do have two boys and a girl, I want to call them Luke, Leia and Chewie. I'm not gonna explain this reference if you don't get it...
a boy
a girl
twin boys
a boy
a girl
twin boys and girls
and last of all, a girl.
If you ask me why in that many, and in that order, I'd just say it'd be a pretty cool family. And also, when they're older enough to make money, I think I'd be pretty rich.
Alright alright, that's never gonna happen (unless I adopt?). More realistically, I want two boys and a girl. I want two boys so that they can protect the girl, and a girl cos baby girls are cute. Dunno what I'm gonna do with her when she's older though. Maybe make her marry a rich dude so I get even more money. I'm just kidding, I don't really care about money.
If I do have two boys and a girl, I want to call them Luke, Leia and Chewie. I'm not gonna explain this reference if you don't get it...
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
I'm thankful for...
For this post, I'd like to just write about the things I'm thankful for in life. I've never really appreciated what I've had before, and I wanna just do this now before I forget.
My family
My family is what I'm thankful for the most. I admit, sometimes I take them for granted. I don't give them the respect they deserve. I let them down so many times, but they've never once given up on me. That's what families are for; they support you no matter what. My dad is an amazing guy, and my granddad is just as amazing. In one of my future posts, I'll tell you about how they survived the Vietnam War and ended up in the UK. When I heard about it, I thought it was like a film. It seemed so unreal, and I'm sure I couldn't have held it together during all the suffering they experienced.
My grandma has always been so nice to me. I've sometimes found her annoying, but she's only doing it for my own good. She's had a sad history, but she's an extremely strong-willed woman. She's been through so much, but never broke down even once. One time during a holiday to Vietnam, she even got hit by a car. She had to stay in hospital for a few days and had a titanium rod inserted into her leg for support.
My mom had to begin working at her family owned tea shop at 12 years old. She has had a much better childhood compared to my dad's, but is still very tough compared to the childhood I've had. Maybe it is because of this that she is so harsh on me. Ever since I could think, she's always been a scary and strict woman, but as I got older I began to understand the reason behind it. Yes, she is still very strict but it is completely for my own good. We're both very stubborn so we end up disagreeing with each other a lot, but I'm usually wrong. Without my mom, I think I'd probably fail as a person.
Although I argue with my brother a lot, we do get along very well. I can't wait till he's older and more mature. I'm sure we'll be very great friends.
I'm thankful for my family and all my relatives who are also really really nice.
My friends
I've had many friends over the course of my life, and I'm thankful for every one that I've met. Along with my family, they've made me who I am. I thank them for encouraging me and giving me advice through hard times, and being with me during happy times. I've had some incredible experiences and adventures with lots of different friends, and some of them were the most exciting times of my life.
Chicken wings
I absolutely love chicken wings! It's my favourite food. I'm thankful that I get to eat it occasionally, and I'm even more thankful that my mom and grandma can make some of the best chicken wings around!
My hair
I'm thankful that my hair is naturally straight and thick. It means I don't have to spend a long time trying to stylise it and preparing to go town. Also, it attracts the ladies hehe.
Blogger allows me to express my emotions and thoughts, and share with people my experiences. I'm thankful for that and also for when I'm older because I can go back on and read what I wrote many years ago.
I planned to write much much more, but this post was more difficult to write than I had anticipated. I'm thankful for many more things, but I'll leave this for now.
What are you thankful for?
My family
My family is what I'm thankful for the most. I admit, sometimes I take them for granted. I don't give them the respect they deserve. I let them down so many times, but they've never once given up on me. That's what families are for; they support you no matter what. My dad is an amazing guy, and my granddad is just as amazing. In one of my future posts, I'll tell you about how they survived the Vietnam War and ended up in the UK. When I heard about it, I thought it was like a film. It seemed so unreal, and I'm sure I couldn't have held it together during all the suffering they experienced.
My grandma has always been so nice to me. I've sometimes found her annoying, but she's only doing it for my own good. She's had a sad history, but she's an extremely strong-willed woman. She's been through so much, but never broke down even once. One time during a holiday to Vietnam, she even got hit by a car. She had to stay in hospital for a few days and had a titanium rod inserted into her leg for support.
My mom had to begin working at her family owned tea shop at 12 years old. She has had a much better childhood compared to my dad's, but is still very tough compared to the childhood I've had. Maybe it is because of this that she is so harsh on me. Ever since I could think, she's always been a scary and strict woman, but as I got older I began to understand the reason behind it. Yes, she is still very strict but it is completely for my own good. We're both very stubborn so we end up disagreeing with each other a lot, but I'm usually wrong. Without my mom, I think I'd probably fail as a person.
Although I argue with my brother a lot, we do get along very well. I can't wait till he's older and more mature. I'm sure we'll be very great friends.
I'm thankful for my family and all my relatives who are also really really nice.
My friends
I've had many friends over the course of my life, and I'm thankful for every one that I've met. Along with my family, they've made me who I am. I thank them for encouraging me and giving me advice through hard times, and being with me during happy times. I've had some incredible experiences and adventures with lots of different friends, and some of them were the most exciting times of my life.
Chicken wings
I absolutely love chicken wings! It's my favourite food. I'm thankful that I get to eat it occasionally, and I'm even more thankful that my mom and grandma can make some of the best chicken wings around!
My hair
I'm thankful that my hair is naturally straight and thick. It means I don't have to spend a long time trying to stylise it and preparing to go town. Also, it attracts the ladies hehe.
Blogger allows me to express my emotions and thoughts, and share with people my experiences. I'm thankful for that and also for when I'm older because I can go back on and read what I wrote many years ago.
I planned to write much much more, but this post was more difficult to write than I had anticipated. I'm thankful for many more things, but I'll leave this for now.
What are you thankful for?
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentine's day
A day of love and joy.
Personally, I've never spent this day being in a relationship. It's always been kind of one way (last year, I spent it with Jessica Alba, except she didn't know (I'm just joking by the way..)).
Truthfully, this is the day when all guys become broke trying to impress their partners with expensive dinners, gifts and roses. Unless you don't really care, then maybe you won't spend any money at all. Wait, do girls buy things for guys on this day too? See, I'm really clueless about this kinda thing.
I suppose this year, I will spend it watching 2010's Valentine's Day, because both Jessica Alba and my current love, Taylor Swift are in it, even though in the film, they're both snogging other guys. But oh well. Ashton Krutcher I can forgive since he's so awesome, but Taylor Lautner? Seriously he's just.. eww. How could Swifty even date that guy?
Did I ever tell you about that time a girl in my primary school gave me a box of Malteasers on V-day? She said I could have it under the condition that I go on a date with her. I never did, and she was clearly upset. She let me keep the chocolate though, and I ate it when I for home. Man what a dick I was. Forreals, back then I probably couldn't even tell the difference between boy and girl. Actually, probably wasn't that bad.
Anyhow, all you people with dates on the special day, have a nice romantic evening with your loved ones. Don't worry about your money, it'll be worth it. And all you single people. Celebrate being single while you still can.
Personally, I've never spent this day being in a relationship. It's always been kind of one way (last year, I spent it with Jessica Alba, except she didn't know (I'm just joking by the way..)).
I suppose this year, I will spend it watching 2010's Valentine's Day, because both Jessica Alba and my current love, Taylor Swift are in it, even though in the film, they're both snogging other guys. But oh well. Ashton Krutcher I can forgive since he's so awesome, but Taylor Lautner? Seriously he's just.. eww. How could Swifty even date that guy?
Did I ever tell you about that time a girl in my primary school gave me a box of Malteasers on V-day? She said I could have it under the condition that I go on a date with her. I never did, and she was clearly upset. She let me keep the chocolate though, and I ate it when I for home. Man what a dick I was. Forreals, back then I probably couldn't even tell the difference between boy and girl. Actually, probably wasn't that bad.
Anyhow, all you people with dates on the special day, have a nice romantic evening with your loved ones. Don't worry about your money, it'll be worth it. And all you single people. Celebrate being single while you still can.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Hong Kong 2012
This summer, I am going to Hong Kong for a month with my friend Victory. This is the first time I've ever been 3 years in a row, so I don't actually go that often! I've also never been that long before. I don't know whether it's gonna get boring or not, but at the moment I am very excited! There's still about 5 months left till I go, but I'm still excited. We're gonna get girls, get drunk, get laid.. Jokes. But maybe. I mean, who knows what will happen?
We've planned some days out already. During the first week, we will go to a strip club called Club Bboss. It's actually spelt with two B's, and we pronounce it 'Buh-boss' but I'm not sure if that's how you actually say it. We're also gonna explore the mountains. There's loads of mountains in Hong Kong, and I haven't been to any of them.
Jam may also be going Hong Kong, and if he does, we're gonna take girls back to his apartment because this time his dad's not here! It's gonna be so fun!
I'm hoping to record videos everyday, and then upload the ones that are interesting on to YouTube, while I am actually there, so you can see what I'm up to! The days before I go to Hong Kong may the last time I see some of my friends, so of you think you'll miss me, just watch my videos!
We've planned some days out already. During the first week, we will go to a strip club called Club Bboss. It's actually spelt with two B's, and we pronounce it 'Buh-boss' but I'm not sure if that's how you actually say it. We're also gonna explore the mountains. There's loads of mountains in Hong Kong, and I haven't been to any of them.
Jam may also be going Hong Kong, and if he does, we're gonna take girls back to his apartment because this time his dad's not here! It's gonna be so fun!
I'm hoping to record videos everyday, and then upload the ones that are interesting on to YouTube, while I am actually there, so you can see what I'm up to! The days before I go to Hong Kong may the last time I see some of my friends, so of you think you'll miss me, just watch my videos!
I was so embarrassed!
It was just a normal statistics lesson. We were watching YouTube videos and chatting (that's a typical stats lesson) when suddenly, Kal who was sitting next to me, suggested that we should watch my YouTube videos. I was so scared! I'd lose my dignity! I did some embarrassing things in my first videos. Unfortunately for me, they watched this one. I turned red in the face, and ran out the room before the video started. I was just chilling by myself and leaning against the wall, but that soon got boring. I walked back in and it was only halfway through the video. Thankfully, the teacher asked for the video to be stopped. He also said he'd subscribe, but he still hasn't.
My dream girl
I've been asked this question several times: what type of girl do you prefer? I've never given a straight answer, but after all this time, here is my reply:
According to Jam, I like girls with dyed hair. I guess this is true, most of the girls I've had a crush on do have dyed hair. Apparently I also like girls who are 'cute'. I wouldn't say that these kind of girls are my type though.
If I had to choose a girl closest to fitting my type, it would be Zara. She's a fictional character in the romantic comedy film Kissing Cousins. Portrayed by English-Indian actress, Rebecca Hazlewood, Zara is definitely the kind of girl I want to date. Honest, open and kind. She's also really cool, someone is wanna hang out with all the time. I reckon with her, not a day would be boring. Wow I did not expect so much cheese in this post.
Well, there you go. A detailed post describing my dream girl. I haven't met anyone like this yet (actually, maybe once but you'll never know who she is mwuhahaha). Obviously this doesn't mean I limit myself to what kind of girl I date, after all, you can't choose who you love. Anything could happen.
Here are some nice photos of Rebecca Hazlewood, my latest actress crush:
Spontaneous. I like girls who are spontaneous. Girls who think out of the box, who are unique and aren't afraid to show it. She is who she is and she doesn't care what everyone else thinks of her. I think that that is what appeals to me the most, a girl's confidence. I trust that is also the same for girls? Girls like confident guys.I like girls who are outgoing, unlike me. I like girls who can stand up for themselves (mostly because I can't.. just kidding). I probably sound like such a wuss now, but that isn't really the case. If I loved my girlfriend, I'd protect her will all my life. Sounds so cheesy, but it's true. Probably.
Anyway, besides her spontaneous personality, my dream girl would be pretty. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a shallow guy. I know I shouldn't, but it can't be helped. My standards aren't too high. You guys must think I'm a douche now... I'm just saying, girls should care a little about how they look, as first appearances are really important. Not so much make up that it disguises who you are, but not so little care that there's leftover pizza on your face. It's actually more difficult to explain in words. It makes so much sense in my head though. Does anyone understand me?
If I had to choose a girl closest to fitting my type, it would be Zara. She's a fictional character in the romantic comedy film Kissing Cousins. Portrayed by English-Indian actress, Rebecca Hazlewood, Zara is definitely the kind of girl I want to date. Honest, open and kind. She's also really cool, someone is wanna hang out with all the time. I reckon with her, not a day would be boring. Wow I did not expect so much cheese in this post.
I watched this on YouTube |
Well, there you go. A detailed post describing my dream girl. I haven't met anyone like this yet (actually, maybe once but you'll never know who she is mwuhahaha). Obviously this doesn't mean I limit myself to what kind of girl I date, after all, you can't choose who you love. Anything could happen.
Here are some nice photos of Rebecca Hazlewood, my latest actress crush:
![]() |
At first I didn't think she was pretty at all, but then I opened my eyes... |
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Moons and planets
The way I see it, people are like moons, and groups are like planets. Each planet has several moons orbiting it. Each group consists of several people. I think I used to orbit a planet, but I don't know where that planet has gone. I probably left it. I see many other planets and their moons, but they're all fixed, and I can't join them. I want to, but it'll feel like I'm intruding since those moons have been orbiting that planet for so long. Some moons pull me in slightly with their gravitational pull, but that's it. Now it's as if I'm an asteroid just flying in space.
Get what I mean?
PS: Oh ma days- This blog has been so depressing lately. The next one is defo gonna be happier!
Get what I mean?
PS: Oh ma days- This blog has been so depressing lately. The next one is defo gonna be happier!
This is me fighting another moon. Lol. |
Saturday, 11 February 2012
I've become antisocial
The level of my social skills was at its peak in the year 2009. I spoke to a lot of people I didn't know and became friends with them. I went out every weekend and did something fun. I went to parties and enjoyed it. Back then, my circle of friends was so huge, yet I put in the effort to text everybody and stayed close with them all.
These days though, it's been really hard to put in the effort. I go town maybe once a month? I go because I feel that staying at home all the time is bad for me, yet when I'm in town, I get bored and go home early. What's wrong with me? Swear down I've changed, but I don't even know why. My mom used to tell me off for coming back home late, usually at 11pm-1am, now she's asking me why I come home so early. I try my best to reply to people's texts and messages but my brain just can't get into gear.
This worries me because I'm going to university next year, and I need my social skills back. I don't wanna be some loser in the corner who isolates himself.
I wish I was more social.
These days though, it's been really hard to put in the effort. I go town maybe once a month? I go because I feel that staying at home all the time is bad for me, yet when I'm in town, I get bored and go home early. What's wrong with me? Swear down I've changed, but I don't even know why. My mom used to tell me off for coming back home late, usually at 11pm-1am, now she's asking me why I come home so early. I try my best to reply to people's texts and messages but my brain just can't get into gear.
This worries me because I'm going to university next year, and I need my social skills back. I don't wanna be some loser in the corner who isolates himself.
I wish I was more social.
Friday, 10 February 2012
This has happened to everyone, kinda
I don't know about you, but this usually happens to me online and texting. When I'm talking to someone (90% of the time a girl), it always seems as if they don't really care, and put minimal effort into relying back. It's worse when they reply back with something you can't follow on from, and you're forced to ask a question, but then you're not sure if you should because they may seriously not wanna talk to you for some reason or another, and then you end up just making an excuse that you have to leave. Yep, that happens to me all the time.
It's quite frustrating really, I mean, if you're busy or something, you could let the person know. If you don't wanna talk, just say. If someone told me they didn't really want to talk at the moment, I'd back off. It's just, some advance warning would be appreciated. I'm ranting because it has happened so many times I'm tired of putting all the effort into it. Granted, I don't always put the effort in too, but at least I'll let you know if I'm busy or what.
On a brighter note, I got the laptop I wanted!
It's quite frustrating really, I mean, if you're busy or something, you could let the person know. If you don't wanna talk, just say. If someone told me they didn't really want to talk at the moment, I'd back off. It's just, some advance warning would be appreciated. I'm ranting because it has happened so many times I'm tired of putting all the effort into it. Granted, I don't always put the effort in too, but at least I'll let you know if I'm busy or what.
On a brighter note, I got the laptop I wanted!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Some girls protected me
It happened today, at lunchtime during school. I told my friend Lexpreet to save me a space at the dinner table, as I was late to the dinner queue. When I looked for the table, it was completely full. Wow, thanks man.
I looked around desperately. I didn't want to look like a loner, so I awkwardly asked some Indian girls in the year below if I could sit with them. Obviously, that was my plan all along. Success!! I'm just kidding. I've never chilled with an all female Indian group before, so it was a new experience. In fact, I don't talk to many females, but I'm not gay. Er, anyway.
Jam randomly came up and told everybody I made a girl cry. That story is confidential so I can't really say anymore about it. To defend myself, I replied saying I cried too because I felt guilty. I got the most unexpected reaction. Jam told me later he was surprised too. The girls all went 'aww' and then defended me! By the way I'm older than them, plus I'm a guy! Can't say I'm ungrateful for them defending me, but I feel like I should be more manlier and more awesome.
Recently I've tried to be more a of a douche, but in finding that easier to say than do. The reason for this is because NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!!
Oh, I never got a chance to thank you girls for protecting me. So, thanks.
I looked around desperately. I didn't want to look like a loner, so I awkwardly asked some Indian girls in the year below if I could sit with them. Obviously, that was my plan all along. Success!! I'm just kidding. I've never chilled with an all female Indian group before, so it was a new experience. In fact, I don't talk to many females, but I'm not gay. Er, anyway.
Jam randomly came up and told everybody I made a girl cry. That story is confidential so I can't really say anymore about it. To defend myself, I replied saying I cried too because I felt guilty. I got the most unexpected reaction. Jam told me later he was surprised too. The girls all went 'aww' and then defended me! By the way I'm older than them, plus I'm a guy! Can't say I'm ungrateful for them defending me, but I feel like I should be more manlier and more awesome.
Recently I've tried to be more a of a douche, but in finding that easier to say than do. The reason for this is because NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!!
Oh, I never got a chance to thank you girls for protecting me. So, thanks.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Sexy laptop
It just looks so... so beautiful. I don't even know what features it has, but it just looks so nice and enticing.
Friday, 3 February 2012
This guy probably thought I was gay (or a girl)
One time, when my fringe was super long (it reached past my nose), I used a hair clip to clip it up so that I could see. My cousin gave me the clip, and it was blue.
I was just surfing the internet as usual when I heard the doorbell. It was the postman. I opened the door, signed the little machine thing, and took the package. Before he left, he gave me a little look. 'Whatever' I thought. Later, when I went to the toilet, I realised the clip was still in my hair. ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL and that was when I lost my dignity.
I was just surfing the internet as usual when I heard the doorbell. It was the postman. I opened the door, signed the little machine thing, and took the package. Before he left, he gave me a little look. 'Whatever' I thought. Later, when I went to the toilet, I realised the clip was still in my hair. ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL and that was when I lost my dignity.
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